Thursday 17 April 2014

Beautiful England

I had a fab but way too short trip back home. I love spring time in the motherland; the birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming. Here are a few of my favourite pics:

Monday 3 March 2014

This week's thoughts

I started this blog post last week so I suppose it should named last week's thoughts. Nevertheless, I've been having a lot of thoughts regarding the protests that have been happening over in Thailand the past while, and with the most recent events in the Ukraine. The fight for true democracy through people power is upon us! Whilst conversing with a co-worker, the subject of minimum wage came up. Now, in both the UK and Canada reports suggest that the living wage is currently lower than the minimum wage. Therefore, if you are only receiving minimum wage, how are you able to afford the higher cost of living. Higher the minimum wage you say. Whilst that should be done, it also can have a negative effect, with increased inflation occurring. However, inflation will occur regardless so the staircase like increases have to happen so that at some point the living wage matches the minimum wage. Obviously in an ideal world, a social utopia some may say, everyone would be earning above the living wage.

This conversation brought me onto thinking about ways Canada could move towards a more equal, fairer society. Now Canada does already have a good welfare system which should be commended, and not criticised as I do sometimes find in my every day living of Canadian life. The issue with Canada, like with most Western societies is that citizens seem to blame people for having to be on welfare, or condemn them for it. In most cases (obviously there are always expectations) people on welfare would rather NOT be on welfare, in fact I'm sure would rather have a job they would like to succeed in. A step Canada could take would be to nationalise their oil and gas. Of course, besides oil and gas companies along with their resources moving into public hands, Canada would need to cut back its current exports to the U.S. At the moment, over half of Canada’s production is going south, and the proportion is rising. Conserving production for mostly domestic use would also provide a longer lead time to bring about wiser alternatives, offering Canada some breathing room before the energy situation reaches crisis proportions which in turn will affect the whole world. Naturally, in order to cut back drastically on U.S.-bound exports, let alone nationalise the industry, it will in turn be necessary to abrogate NAFTA. That is another story that would have to be written altogether but for Canada's best interest it is definitely do-able and would stop Canada being seen as the USA's northern puppet. Maybe I am being radical, but isn't radical defined as advocating political or social reform; then that I am guilty of. Although I have the many luxaries that living in the Western World brings, I can't help but think I could rather in living Venezula for example. It is possible to have the best of both worlds, look at countries like Sweden and Norway. I am not expecting you to agree with what I have said but just to think outside of the Western World right-wing media influenced box we find ourselves in. 

Thursday 9 January 2014

Well done bros!

If you are not up to speed on UK news then the biggest thing going on right now has been the trial of Mark Duggan's death. On Wednesday, a jury concluded Mr Duggan was lawfully killed when he was shot dead by police in August 2011, sparking riots in many English cities. This has been extremely controversial especially since the evidence suggested and in turn jurors also determined that Mark was not armed when shot by police and that he threw the gun from taxi before police confronted him. Surely, shooting an unarmed man is unlawful? Yet I cannot argue with the jury's decision, that is our fair judicial system after all. The Duggan Family along with many in the general public are unhappy with the verdict; the family and lawyers state they will fight the jury's decision "through the courts."

Met Police Assistant Commissioner, Mark Rowley confronted as he speaks to reporters 
This will surely lead to further debates. My eldest brother posted a status on Facebook about the verdict which started an ongoing discussion, with my other brother chipping in on the action. I have to say I am very proud to have such knowledgeable passionate brothers. Well done lads, love your little sis. Check out the discussion at the following link:

Saturday 21 December 2013

Top British songs of 2013

For my last 2013 show of London's Calling on Pet Rock Radio ((if you haven't checked out the show or station yet...DO IT!!!) ) I decided to pick my favourite British songs of 2013 that I have played on the show this year. If you're interested, here's the list:

Eugene McGuiness - Fairlight
The Vaccines - Melody Calling
Younghusbands - Silver Sisters
Treetop flyers - Things will change
Splashh - All I wanna do
The Courteeners - Van der Graff
Paul McCartney - Struggle
Temples - Keep in the dark
Wolf Alice - She
Street Parade - Famous
Lovechild - Black cat bone
Palma Violets - We found love
Arctic Monkeys - Stop the world I wanna get off with you
Miles Kane - Better than that
Jake Bugg - What doesn't kill you
The Family Rain - Reason to die
Stereophonics - We share the same sun
Ed Harcourt - Murmur in your heart
The Broxton Hundred - She brings the light
The 45s - Around and around
Cosmo - Yalla
Emily Moulton - No way out
These Ghosts - The Great Unknown
Turin brakes - Guess you heard
London Grammar - Strong
La bete blooms - Home
Novella - Marys gun
John Newman - Cheating
Gentlemen - Children of the Setting Sun
James Blake - Retrograde

Saturday 14 December 2013

My point of view on this week's events

I cannot believe it is already mid-December, where the feck has the time gone. Things have been busy in the world of lissysergi (that's me lol). I have moved to the idyllic settlement of Millbrook. I love Peterborough but I love being out in the country more.

So this week has been another jammed pack week of news stories. Here's my take and views on some of the stories occurring.

  • Yesterday was the last day mourners could view Nelson Mandela's casket before his burial. An estimated 100,000 South Africans lined up in Pretoria but about a third of the overwhelming crowd were sent away without being able to file past the bier. There are a lot of things I could say about Mandela that have already been said and you've probably read. I have to say one of the best articles I have read since the death of Mandela is CBC News' Neil Macdonald's piece. Give it a read, it's a goodun:
  • Demonstrators are arriving in Kiev ahead of a mass rally on Sunday. Hundreds of protesters remain camped out in freezing temperatures on Independence Square, behind barricades of snow and ice, reinforced with pallets, benches, metal barriers and wire netting. As we all should know, protests erupted last month after President Yanukovych pulled out of an association agreement with Brussels, which would have been a crucial step towards the country's integration into the EU. Amid a violent crackdown that occurred on Nov 30th, which was met with international outcry, a Ukrainian court has now freed nine people arrested during the clashes between pro-EU protesters and riot police. There is a lot of talk that Russia is pressuring the Ukraine administration to tie themselves more to them than the EU. Yet even though some protesters are calling for closer ties with the EU, what Ukrainians want is a free-democratic country with a government that represents their needs without corruption or manipulation. Whether the EU could provide them with that and a more open and transparent economy will remain to be seen. I do find it slightly intriguing that the US has spoken so readily about their support for the Ukrainian people. I wonder if they would care if it was another Eastern European country or if it is just because of the Ukraine's existing ties to Russia, America's old enemy. Some things in world politics never change eh! 
  • In a week where the UK and US have both suspended aid to Syrian rebels, word has it that talks may begin again with the Assad regime. After all they did cooperate with the UN regarding chemical weapons and with several extremist rebel groups being reported, maybe this is the way to go. The crisis in Syria may yet take a long time to resolve and who is to say that is the best outcome for the Syrian people. Hopefully a free-democratic country but here's wishing. What can be done is aid to the millions of Syrian refugees who have had to flee their country. Almost 97 percent of Syria's refugees - estimated by Amnesty to be 2.3 million in total - have fled to five neighbouring countries: Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt since fighting began. Now the EU is under fire over refusal to provide safe haven for refugees. It's hard to imagine your country being war-torn, making the difficult decision to leave and then be met by such hardship and terrible conditions when you think you have made it to a safe haven. Whilst you're enjoying this festive period maybe take a second to appreciate how lucky you are and even delve into your pocket of change and donate to one the many charities supporting Syrian refugees.
  • Uruguay passed a bill this week so that there is direct state control of the cannabis market. Whether good or bad, the effects of the government's pioneering move are certain to be scrutinised and analysed by both opponents and supporters of cannabis legalisation not just in Uruguay but across the world. What I found even more interesting whilst reading up on this story was that I had no idea that Portugal had decriminalised drugs back in 2001. How did I not know this! The results have been astounding; Health experts in Portugal said that Portugal’s decision to decriminalise drug use and treat addicts rather than punishing them is an experiment that has worked. I'm not advocating drug use but drug addiction is an illness not a crime and should be treated as so. If you would like to read more about this check out the following link:

Thursday 31 October 2013

Street Parade Interview

I sent the lovely guys of Street Parade some questions. Check out their great answers and awesome album while you're at it 

 How long have you been together as a band?
We've been together for 2 years but have been in a band before this 1 as well
How would you describe the bands sound?
I'd describe it as indie/dance, but we plan on going abit more down the funk route soon!
Who are your main music influences?
So many different styles between the three of us, but mainly reggae, dance, soul and hip hop and decent rock n roll. Bands we all agree on are Oasis, the clash, the doors, kasabian and reverend and the makers
What are your future plans for the band?
We plan on recording again next year and playing festivals as much as possible
What's been your favourite venue/city to play?
We really enjoyed Galtres festival and would love to play there again, and also the humber street sesh in hull is a great one to play
Any funny stories you'd like to share from gigging?
Funny stories, our gig at Tribfest earlier this year I snapped a string on my guitar within the 1st 20seconds of the 1st song, and later in the gig another 1 went leaving us with a 4 string guitar!
Who's your favourite British artist/band out right now?
I love the Palma Violets, reverend and the makers, a band called " young Kato" are cool but there seems to be bands with just a good song and when u listen to their albums, just a bit average really! I agree!
If you could come to Canada to play a show, where would be the first place you'd like to check out?
It would have to be Ottawa, simply so we could do the sightseeing as well, if you fancy booking us some flights we'd love to come and do a show for you haha. I'm on it boys lol!

I definitely owe the chaps a pint next time I'm home. Wishing the band all the best.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Beautiful Fall

I know I have been pretty slack when it has come to my blog recently but I have just been so busy and more importantly enjoying life in this beautiful country of Canada. I have to say over the past month or so Ontario scenery has literally took my breath away. The seasons Canada experiences is one of the fav things about this country and this fall has surpassed itself ten times over. The vivid colours, changing of the leaves and lovely fall temperatures have made it an absolute joy to even drive to work every day. I thought I would share a few of my photos that I've taken with you wonderful people. Enjoy!