Friday 26 April 2013

The British NHS

Those that know me well are aware that I have had to have some tests and procedures carried out over the past 8 months or so. Thankfully, I am fine, but it has been difficult fitting in appointments while I am back in the UK. I wanted to write this post to show my appreciation of the collective British National Health Service. I know that many people complain about the NHS for many reasons but as a British citizen I am extremely proud of it and think it is one of the best things about our country.

During the Second World War there were agreements that post-war, "a complete health service to be available to every member of the community" should be set up. After the war and under Clement Attlee's Labour government, The National Health Service Act was passed in 1946, and the rest they say is history. Even though they have been several reforms to the NHS over the decades that have since passed, the service remains largely free to anyone and everyone. Some people may not agree with free healthcare, but personally, and having lived in a country where I had to pay for my own healthcare, I think it is a service that should be available to everyone in the world. After all, isn't health a basic human right. The World Health Organisation Constitution states:

"the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being..."

Maybe I'm an idealistic person. I just don't think that individuals or private corporations should profit from the sick and needy. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about insurance or possible medical bills every time you travel. I am not saying you have to agree with me, but to all the British people that read this, please be thankful of the NHS we have, as trust me, I'm sure you would complain a lot more if the NHS was abolished.

It wouldn't be Britain without a nice cuppa!

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