Monday 1 July 2013

My top 7 of Canada

Happy Canada Day to all the crazy canucks out there!

This surprisingly is my 7th Canada Day so I thought what better way to help celebrate this national day than to do my own top 7 things I love about Canada. So here goes in descending order:

7. Four seasons
So some people may complain about the weather here but trust me when I say that you are a lucky country to actually experience four unique seasons. Ok maybe there wasn't much Spring this year but usually you have all four seasons and all the lovely traits of each one.
6. Poutine
Fries, gravy and cheese curds. This dish is delicious, especially after a night out...enough said!

5. The Tragically Hip
Now there are other artists and bands that I prefer but the thing about the Hip is that they represent and relate to so much of Canadian living. They are the the backdrop to a lot of memories I have here. For me they are the Canadian Oasis.

4. Tim Hortons
Ok so you can't come to Canada without going to a Tim Hortons, it's impossible! Trust me I've tried. From your daily coffee, a quick snack, to a respite on a road trip, Timmies is wholesomely Canadian.

3. Maples
Whether it be the tree, its leaves or the syrup, maples are a quintessential Canadian symbol. You even put a leave on your flag! Personally, I love maple trees. They are one of my favourite things to photograph here.

2. Landscape and Space
When people ask me why I love Canada so much I always reply with "I like the space". That may seem weird but it's true. You have A LOT of space here and the numerous beautiful landscapes you have are breathtaking. Canada is truly amazing.

1. The people
So this may come across a bit sappy but I'm saying it anyway. Canadians are some of the best people I've ever met in the world. With your lovable ehs, fantastic hospitality, caring nature and fun living, you're AWESOME! Times with Canadians are good times. Plus you even like to take a dig at Americans.

I feel blessed to be in Canada and hope that I can continue to celebrate your national day in this wonderful country.


  1. You are the best Lis! This is such an awesome post! :-) happy Canada day everyone!
