Monday 26 November 2012

Country bar virgin

This past weekend I had my first experience of going to a country music bar, and let me tell you it was an experience!
The British rock chick in me dictates that I should loathe country music but after spending so much time in North America you can't help but hum along to country tunes, especially whilst driving down rural roads in the summer. Nevertheless, when a co-worker suggested to join her at The Corral in Oshawa, I was lukewarm about the idea. I was persuaded however, and I am very glad that I was.
On arrival at the bar, I wasn't surprised that it was packed as I heard it was a popular spot but it was interesting to see such a diverse demograph of people there, all with the same purpose of having a good time. And it certainly was a good time with the tunes playing and the drink flowing. I even got dragged onto to the dancefloor to partake in some line dancing! A live band then started to play some classic country tracks and got the crowd even more energized.

I have to admit that I had a GREAT night and even though I'm not a huge country music fan, I will definitely agree to a country bar night every once in a while. The people are fun and the songs are catching.

Here's a country act I really don't mind listening to:

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