Thursday 20 December 2012


I am really enjoying being back home for the holidays, however there is one thing that is bugging me...the rain. Since I have been back it has rained every day. The air is damp and everything is wet. Now you would think I would be use to this and I am, but trust me when I say it is depressing and it does get everyone down. Maybe that's why us Brits drink so much tea and booze!

So today I had to venture out in the rain. My Mum gave me an umbrella to use...awesome I thought. Turns out this brolly was broken but even if it wasn't the wind would have blown it inside out.
Don't you hate it when this happens!

I suppose I should do the British thing; stop complaining and get on with it. So I will, but I have checked the forecast for the next few days and it doesn't look good. White Christmas...more like Wet Christmas. And even if the Mayans are right and the world does end tomorrow, it's already dark and gloomy here so we won't be able to tell if it's happening or not!

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